You are moving? Great - Block the street for your moving van.
So you have found the perfect new apartment and told all your friends to help on that particular day to carry all your stuff from A to B? Well, congratulations! In this blog, you can find some information to make the much easier. Block the street for your moving van and save your energy.
When should I start the process?
It is a good idea to start booking street-blocking signs about three to four weeks before you move. Simply google "Halteverbotsschilder" and find a company that you like. Usually, on their webpage, the company will ask you to fill in some information - let us help you with that.
Think about how long the van or truck is - normally 15 m should be fine. Also, have the day and time sorted out before booking - it's safe to block an entire day, even if the move will only be some hours. Further, in most cases, one side of the street should be enough space. However, that depends on how narrow the street is etc.
What is very important is to get a "behördlichen Genehmigung" from the police. Or you can order it from the company for an extra fee - that way you have the legal right to block the street for your moving van and can have cars towed away if necessary.
The company will usually set up the signs a week before your moving date, so all your neighbors have enough time to move their cars! Enjoy that new apartment - any questions about the signs? Get in touch with us- we can book it for you or answer your questions!
Your Lost in Translation team!