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Der Tanz in den Mai

Every year, as the cold months draw to a close and spring is in full bloom, Germany prepares for one of its most cheerful and colourful customs - der Tanz in den Mai: the Dance into May. This custom, which is celebrated on the night of 30 April to 1 May, is more than just a celebration; it is a symbol of welcoming spring and saying goodbye to winter.

Origins and meaning

The origins of the Tanz in den Mai can be traced back to medieval Germany, where it was customary to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of warmer days with fire, dancing and singing. Today, this tradition is popular in many parts of Germany, with each place having its own local customs and specialities. For example, in many places a maypole is erected, a tall tree trunk that is colourfully decorated and serves as a meeting place for the community and the festival.

Der Tanz in den Mai is a nice celebration where you can join in informal, relaxed conversations with native speakers. Throughout the day there are usually lots of games for young and old, which are especially fun and bring families together, and in the evening it gets more lively.

The 1st of May

1 May is International Labour Day. In many countries, workers demonstrate for their rights, better working conditions and higher wages. This tradition originated in the 19th century and still symbolises the fight for social justice and the dignity of workers today. In Germany, too, this is a day off work with many demonstrations throughout the country.

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