Meaning: spinal column
das Rückgrat muss durch die Lehne gestützt werden
sich das Rückgrat verletzen, brechen
〈in figurative meaning:〉 ein Mensch ohne Rückgrat (a person who does not have the courage to openly defend his convictions)
Backbone is also used in many phrases, sayings and proverbs, such as:
jemandem das Rückgrat brechen (colloquially: 1. To put pressure on someone in such a way that they give up their own will and submit; to take away someone's power of resistance. 2. to ruin someone).
jemandem das Rückgrat stärken (show someone that you are on their side by supporting their view, position, etc.)
Rückgrat zeigen/haben (openly stand by one's opinion, conviction, not be prepared to submit to certain opinions, instructions contrary to one's own opinion, conviction)